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Friday, 28 July 2017

I have a key ring from them and I have never flown with them - what a great airline!?!

Best Airline to Asia

China Southern Airlines' A380 is a surprise winner for best long-haul flight to Asia—and best long-haul flight overall. (China Southern's A330 also scores very high.) At 35 to 37 inches, its seat pitch is the most generous without an extra cost on any long-haul plane, and A380 seats are an inch or so wider than on most competitive planes. A Skytrax score of four stars indicates an above-average economy product.


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Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Travelers tip when booking airfares online

always clear you cookies and web browsing activity before searching for airfares!

Clear cookies when searching for flights online - Business Insider

Oct 5, 2015 - Entire novellas have been written on how to score cheaper flights, and the internet is flooded with sites and apps claiming to be able to get you ...

Sunday, 16 July 2017

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Fly Air Zimbabwe Experience the wonder of it all.



BRITISH AIRWAYS breakfast - not much better?

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yummy (not) airline Breakfast is served

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British Midland Airways

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Pre 1930 IMPERIAL AIRWAYS Drink Tariff

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1936 The New Empire Flying-Boats, Imperial Airways

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An advertisement for Imperial Airways from the Illustrated London news, 2 July 1932.

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